
Sleep Survey Summary

Helen Dugdale 0 2337

First of all, thank you to everyone who filled out the sleep survey on my website. Your time and effort in responding to the questions is really appreciated. Every single respondent took the time to write comments about their sleeping experiences. This information will be so useful in relaying to other people what works and what doesn’t, (in real life), and what some of the consequences are of not sleeping well. Your efforts and comments may help someone else to improve their sleeping habits.

The following is a brief summary of the statistics from the survey:

Tradies Insight

Helen Dugdale 0 744

TIS is honoured and privileged to be collaboratively working with this brilliantly gifted brain coach from Australian Brain Coaching. Helen Dugdale has been conducting workshops, training seminars and personal coaching throughout Australia and internationally.

When change is around us, fear and anxiety can creep in

The Courier Article September 30th 2021

Helen Dugdale 0 0

“Fear of the Unknown” – most anxieties are caused by this. When things around us start to change from what we have always known, then fear and anxiety can creep in. All the ‘What-if’s” start popping up in our brain – ‘What if I get sick?’, What if I can’t earn a living?’, ‘What if I accidently pass it onto someone else?’, “What if this cough or throat tickle is COVID?”

COVID has brought such a momentous change to our way of life, it is understandable that there is so much anxiety about it. When the first lockdown happened last year in March 2020, it was almost like we were in a science movie – loss of freedoms, people wearing masks, shopping was limited, home schooling, pressure of working from home, no socialising, checking in everywhere you go, people losing work, front-line workers were asked to work longer hours, delivery drivers and food providers were flat out. It all seemed very unworldly, as we knew it. So many new things to deal with.

Brain coach seeking input for book about poor sleeping habits

Article from The Courier September 2 2021

Helen Dugdale 0 0

Helen Dugdale has helped a number of people overcome their fears and anxieties with Australian Brain Coaching.

The local brain coach is one of only three people in Australia skilled in the method and able to coach clients, having been trained herself by a German psychologist.

Her coaching covers a wide range of topics, but one particular area she sees many struggle with is sleep health.

Put Insomnia to Bed

Helen Dugdale 0 1061

Good morning Insomniacs! I would love to hear from you if you have ever suffered from or still suffer from sleeping problems. I am writing a book about it and for my research I would like to include data from people who tried different things to help overcome their insomnia.

Covid Notice

Helen Dugdale 0 931

Covid notice, due to lockdowns and uncertainty, I won't be travelling for awhile, in fact, I haven't been to see clients in Tamworth, Port Stephens and Sydney for weeks! Dubbo people were visited 3 weeks ago. However if you need some help, I am taking bookings for Video link sessions at half my normal price. 

Choose Optimism

Helen Dugdale 0 953

Did you know that optimism can be learned AND it is good for your health? Not just for your mental health but also for your physical health. See challenges as opportunities to learn or to do something different, rather than accept disasters. Winston Churchill said "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty”. For example: You've dropped out of Uni, and an opening comes up for a hobby that you are good at. Now you have time to pursue that field.

Brain Coaching, EMDR and Prince Harry article – Not that Bizarre! There is science involved.

Helen Dugdale 0 972

Recently, there was an article written by Samantha Selinger-Morris, about how Prince Harry uses a method called EMDR to help him resolve his past issues about his mother’s death. (EMDR is Eye Movement Desensitising and Resetting). The author makes some excellent points and quotes from both clients and University professors about how successful EMDR is helping people resolve emotional issues, especially about traumatic events.

What is EMDR? The ‘bizarre’ therapy helping Prince Harry heal

SMH - Samantha Selinger-Morris

Helen Dugdale 0 1195

When Prince Harry spoke earlier this week about how he has undergone a controversial type of psychotherapy to heal from longstanding trauma and anxiety, the world took notice.

What exactly, we all wondered, is Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR)? What happened when he closed his eyes, crossed his arms, and tapped his own shoulders while thinking of traumatic memories – as we saw in a scene from one of his therapy sessions in the documentary series, The Me You Can’t See? The Duke of Sussex said he has turned to therapy to resolve fears and anxiety he’s suffered since his mother’s death in a car accident in 1997 when he was 12. (“London is a trigger, unfortunately,” he says, in one episode. “Because of what happened to my mum, and because of what I experienced and what I saw.“)


Binaural beats could ease both anxiety and depression

Article from Daily Telegraph Body and Soul Sunday supplement Author Natascha Mirosch

Helen Dugdale 0 131

Promising results have been shown in using BBs for relieving anxiety in patients in hospital emergency departments, on patients waiting to undergo operationspsychiatric outpatients with anxiety disorders and for depressive symptoms in older people in nursing homes.

"Brain coach", Helen Dugdale of Australian Brain Coaching uses BBs combined with positive affirmations to assist clients with anxiety.

Brain training finding the best way forward

Article from the Dubbo Photo News 24 September 2020 by John Ryan

Helen Dugdale 0 127

Helen Dugdale's work has a very different flavour to most jobs but she says as ever more people feel the positive results of the German brain-training psychological techniques she offers, the more their family and friends want to experience learning how to effect positive change in their lives.

Two step out to support Beyond Blue

Narrabri Courier September 8 2020

Helen Dugdale 0 1785

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.

It’s a famous Chinese proverb, of course, and may have been in the minds of two walkers when they set off at dawn from Pirate Park, Narrabri West on Thursday to walk to Yarrie Lake.

The distance is about 17 kilometres, or something more than 17,000 steps, but their journey was for a good cause and they weren’t counting.

The Healing Power of Music

Helen Dugdale 0 2165

It’s no secret that music can alter our mood, whether we listen or participate. Loud and active is more uplifting; smooth and soft, more calming. As long ago as 1697, William Congreve wrote that music has the power to “soothe a savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.” 
Now, research has shown us we can harness these powers to create calmness and help us heal in many ways. When we are calm we can function better, both emotionally and physiologically. This is when healing can take place.


Chanting helps many of us to reduce stress and anxiety but can science explain why?

Helen Dugdale 0 0

“Repeating a positive phrase over and over again, helps the brain to reinforce that message and lays down new neural pathways so that it becomes a habit. Which is what I encourage in Brain Coaching. The following is an excellent article on research conducted on the effects of chanting on our physiological and psychological well-being. Give me a call and I can explain the benefits.”

Read in ABC News:  Click the heading to go to the article

Beating the Blues during Covid19

It is such an important topic.

Helen Dugdale 0 2037

Being anxious over a change in our lives is Normal. It is called being human. It is how we let that anxiety get to us that we need to address.  A certain amount of anxiety (or stress) can be useful – it can help spur us to react, to be responsive, to adapt.  We certainly have had a lot of changes in our lives recently.  

2 Violet Street, Narrabri, NSW 2390
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