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Free On-line Psychotherapy and Counselling Consultations
Helen Dugdale
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Free On-line Psychotherapy and Counselling Consultations

In these uncertain times, with lots of upheavals – some people may be feeling overwhelmed and more anxious. I am offering free consultations via Skype or video conferencing, while we are all in social distancing mode. Even though face-to-face counselling is better, I would still like to offer my services to help alleviate people’s fears and anxieties, before it becomes a major health issue.

It may be tempting for a therapist to tell you what you should be doing. It is more important for you to come up with your own coping strategies.

This is where I can help with brain-coaching – I can guide you to figure out what actions and thoughts that you could turn into your new thinking patterns, and that will suit you and your personal situation.

I am not a medical expert so do not have all the answers to deal with Covid19 and isolation, what I can do is help you with your emotional coping strategies.

So – rather than sit home and flick through Facebook, do housework and gardening (you can only do so much weeding), I want to be of some use to society and share my training and experience, put it to good use.

You can bring some enjoyment back into your life, despite these stressful times. No matter how bad things get, there is always someone you can talk to. Plan some goals for when the situation changes. We all need a goal or something to look forward to. And Remember “A goal without a plan is just a wish”. In other words – you need to be pro-active.

Ring me on 0417064507, or message me on FB @australianbraincoaching 

I look forward to hearing from you for a chat or to make an appointment.

“The reason I am offering my services for free is that I want to volunteer in the community and this is the only way I can do that.  Sharing my skills to those who are going through a difficult time.”

Keep you and yours safe,


Helen Dugdale

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